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Edward G. Miner Library

Open Access Publishing at URMC: American Society for Microbiology (ASM)



University of Rochester is participating in the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Subscribe to Open (S2O) initiative by maintaining our existing subscriptions to select ASM journals. 

Under S2O, the accessibility of ASM's previously subscriber-only content will depend on continued support from subscribers. ASM will establish a minimum sustainability target each year to fund the journals. If the target is met, that year's  content will be made open access. If the target is not met, the content will remain available only to subscribers. (Target deadline extended to Mar. 31 2025)

  • Criteria for participation: University of Rochester corresponding author at time of submission.
  • Description: University-wide agreement with no publishing caps from six participating journals.
  • Guidance for Authors: 
    • ASM will check the email domain name of the corresponding author to confirm eligibility
    • The corresponding author's affiliation must match the paying institution on the date of acceptance.
    • It is the corresponding authors' responsibility to provide the correct affiliation information (including an institutional email address).
    • APC fees waived but authors are still responsible for page charges and supplemental material fees at a significant discount.
    • Authors at subscribing institutions will receive guaranteed open access publishing regardless of whether the sustainability target is met.

  • For more information or to check the current status of the program, see the American Society for Microbiology S2O information page.
  • Period: 2025; renewable with subscription.