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Edward G. Miner Library

Graduate Student Guide: DMS Oversight

Information and tools for URMC Ph.D. and Master's students

Key Aspects to Consider:

  • Who provides oversight?
  • What are the various stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities?
  • How are regulatory and legal requirements addressed through the governance mechanisms?
  • What are the liabilities?
  • What are the ethical issues that are raised and how can they be dealt with?
  • Who is benefiting and who is taking on risks and liabilities?
  • How can stakeholders relating to the data hold data-sharing participants to account?
  • What needs to be included in any data-sharing agreements? How are agreements enforced?
  • How is trust enabled?

Section 6 Rubric: Oversight of Data Management and Sharing

This section addresses titles and roles overseeing data management and sharing, within the investigator team or as key personnel, allowable costs required to perform the types of data management and sharing activities specified in the plan, as well as oversight protocols. Examples of costs may include time and effort for data curation processes; local specialized infrastructure (only those not covered by institutional F&A costs); or fees for preserving and sharing data. See NOT-OD-21-015.
Performance level
Performance Criteria Complete/detailed Addressed issue, but incomplete Did not address

Provides details of titles and roles of project personnel overseeing data management and sharing, within the investigator team or as key personnel.

Clearly specifies who is responsible for execution and oversight of data management and sharing plan.

Verifies that there is a Data Management and Sharing team but does not provide names or titles.

Does not specify Data Management and Sharing team.


Provides details of personnel, in line with allowable cost guidance for Data Management and Sharing

Clearly specifies personnel required to perform the types of data management and sharing activities.

Vaguely describes personnel categories required to perform the types of data management and sharing activities.

Does not describe personnel for data management and sharing activities.


Provides details of Data Management and Sharing oversight practices throughout the research project workflow

Clearly specifies how compliance with the Plan will be monitored and managed, including frequency of oversight, and by whom (e.g., titles, roles).

Vaguely describes how compliance with the Plan will be monitored and managed. Leaves out data management and description processes during key stages of the project

Does not describe how compliance with the Plan will be monitored and managed.