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Edward G. Miner Library

Internal Medicine: Search Tools

Setting up Nomad

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that facilitates access to the Libraries' full text resources as you find research on the web. LibKey Nomad provides one-click access to full text from websites like PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and publisher pages.

Currently, LibKey Nomad is available for the following browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Brace & Vivaldi

How to set up LibKey Nomad
  1. Go to the Download LibKey Nomad website
  2. Click on the icon for your browser of choice and follow the prompts to add the extension
  3. Choose University of Rochester as your institution


List of Secondary Sources

Searching Tips and Tricks

Combining Searches Using Boolean Operators

  • A comprehensive and systematic search of PubMed includes both controlled vocabulary and keyword terms (i.e. free text, natural language, and synonyms).

  • Boolean operators are used to combine search terms. In PubMed, you can use the operators AND, OR, and NOT.

  • Boolean operators MUST be used as upper case (AND, OR, NOT).

    • OR--use OR between similar keywords, like synonyms, acronyms, and variations in spelling within the same idea or concept

      • Nutrition OR Diet

    • AND—use AND to link ideas and concepts where you want to see both ideas or concepts in your search results

      • Poverty AND Built Environment

    • NOT—used to exclude specific keywords from the search, however, you will want to use NOT with caution because you may end up missing something important.

      • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder NOT Ritalin


(poverty OR low-income) AND (obesity OR overweight)

(Body Mass Index OR BMI) AND built environment
PubMed Hacks
Quotation Marks
”food desert” AND (poverty OR socioeconomic status OR low-income)
Using Field Tags
poverty[ti] obesity[tiab]
obes* AND (food desert OR built environment)



Foraging Resources

What is a foraging tool? It is a tool or program that searches for important updates in the literature, and sends you automatic alerts (usually in email form). Some people love them, some people don't. While they add to email burden and are easily deleted, they are one way of staying abreast of some (not all) new developments in family medicine if used appropriately (systematic method of making sure you read them). One example of a foraging tool is the Daily POEM, put out by EE+. Other organizations have similar daily/weekly/monthly emails. How do you know a good tool from a less useful one? See Link below for one way to distinguish the two.