§ASCVD Risk Calculator: The ASCVD Risk Estimator enables you to estimate 10-year and lifetime risks for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). Learn more about this app. Download the app from iTunes or GooglePlay. When would I use this app? This app can be used during a patient encounter to help aid in decision making about the risk of heart disease, the benefits and potential harms of using statins, and finding ways to improve health.
§The Aspirin-Guide app from researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, helps clinicians decide which patients are candidates for the use of low-dose aspirin in the primary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) by balancing the ASCVD benefits against the risk of harm due to gastrointestinal (GI) or other bleeding.
§Calculate by QxMD is a clinical calculator and decision support tool. When would I use this app? A 67-year-old patient with diabetes and a history of stroke was recently diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. Warfarin therapy is being considered, however you know this therapy carries a risk of major bleeding complications. Find out the level of risk using the Warfarin Bleeding Risk calculator.
§CDC STD: The STD Treatment (Tx) Guidelines serves as a quick reference guide for doctors and related parties on the identification of and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Download the app from iTunes or GooglePlay. When would I use this app? You want to quickly look up the recommended treatment regimen for an adolescent with chlamydia.
Contraception: The U.S. Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use has recommendations for using specific contraceptive methods by women and men who have certain characteristics or medical conditions. Download the app from iTunes or GooglePlay. When would I use this app? You are working with a patient who recently had a baby, is breastfeeding, and would like to start birth control. Use this app to identify contraception options that would be safe for her and her child.
§LactMed: Use LactMed to find information about drugs/supplements and breastfeeding. This app is updated monthly and is produced by the National Library of Medicine. Download the app for Android and iOS devices.When would I use this app? Your patient is wondering if the medication she currently takes is safe to use while breastfeeding
§Shots Immunizations: point of care tool that provides vaccine and vaccination information about routine vaccines.Use the app to view 2020 CDC schedules: Adult, Childhood/Adolescent, and Child Catch-up; input patient characteristics (age, conditions, special circumstances) and receive a list of recommended vaccines; access exclusive schedules for combination vaccines: ProQuad, Pediarix-Kinrix, and Pentacel-Quadracel; and read detailed information on each vaccine, including dosing schedules, potential adverse reactions, contraindications, CPT codes, resident education, and more.
§USPSTF Prevention TaskForce is an app designed to help primary care clinicians identify clinical preventive services that are appropriate for their patients. Use the tool to search and browse U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations. Instructions for use. When would I use this app? A 40 year old, non-smoking patient has made an appointment for his first physical exam in 10 years. Use ePSS to learn about screening recommendations for this patient.