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Edward G. Miner Library

Faculty Resources: Citation Management

Information, Tools, and Resources for faculty at URMC

Citation Managers

Miner Library provides access to citation managers, RefWorks and EndNote. 

RefWorks and EndNote support thousands of bibliographic styles and create in-text citations and bibliographies. 

To learn more about RefWorks and EndNote please visit the Citation Management guide for tutorial videos and more.

You can meet with your liaison librarian to discuss the citation manager that best meets your needs or to get answers to any questions you might have. 

Introduction: EndNote

EndNote is a software program (with a supplemental web-based version) that users must install on their computers. UR River Campus Libraries provides a site license that allows University of Rochester employees (including faculty) and students to DOWNLOAD EndNote SOFTWARE on work or personal computers at no charge. Your UR affiliation entitles you to download EndNote on as many computers as you wish - your office, your laptop, etc. - for easy access to your work. Both Mac and Windows versions are available. An active URMC AD required to download the software. Users who are not employees of the University can purchase this software at the Computer Store.

Tip:  Always save your EndNote library to your local hard drive. It WILL become corrupt (unusable) over time if you save it to a flash drive, the cloud, or a network drive.

If you're asked for a product key:

  • Navigate to where you downloaded the EndNote program folder
  • Unzip or extract all files from the compressed folder
  • From the extracted files, open the EN21Inst file;  this should continue the installation process of the program on your computer. 
    • The ENInst file name will look different based on which version of Endnote you are downloading: EN21Inst, EN20Inst, etc. 

The first time you open EndNote, you will be prompted to create a new library. Most users will only need one library.

  1. Open the EndNote Program
  2. From the top menu bar, click File > New...
  3. Navigate to the location where you will save your library. Create a folder on the local C drive in a location unaffected by syncing. This is where to save your EN library. Example: C:\Users\(yourusername)\EndNoteLibraries
  4. Give your library a name, and then Save.
  5. You are now ready to start adding references

Adding PDFs to Endnote References

There are two ways you can attached PDFs to your EndNote references. Either manually adding the PDF or using the 'Find Full Text' option. 

Manually Attach PDFs

This method is best when you already have the PDF saved to your computer or the reference does not have a DOI. You will have to attach the PDFs one at a time. 

  • Open your EndNote Library
  • Select the reference you would like to attach a PDF to 
  • There are two ways to manually attach a PDF
    1. Select References from the top tool bar and click on File Attachments > Attach File. Then select the PDF you wish to attach to the article you've selected. 
    2. After you have clicked on the reference, in the top right hand corner will be an Attach File button. Click on that and select the PDF you want to attach. 
  • Once you navigate away from that reference you've attached a PDF to, Endnote will prompt you to save the changes you have made. 

Find Full Text

This method will search through the full text PDFs available through the University of Rochester holdings. Endnote then attaches the PDF to the corresponding reference. This can happen in bulk or one at a time depending on your preference. This will only work if you are connected to the internet and the PDF you are trying to attach has an associated DOI (Digital Object Identifier). If the PDF does not have a DOI, you would need to manually add it to the Endnote reference. 

  • Make sure you are connected to the internet
  • For Windows:
    • Go to the Edit menu and choose Preferences
  • For Mac: 
    • Go to the EndNote menu and choose Preferences.
  • Go to the "Find Full Text" option here, and check the resources you want to use

  • OpenURL:

  • Authenticate with URL:
  • You can make your selection if you would like EndNote to automatically attach available PDFs to newly imported references by selecting that option. 
  • Be sure to authenticate and save your changes. 

While many databases and bibliographic management programs such as RefWorks and EndNote will automatically create APA citations for you, it's always a good idea to double check your work with authoritative sources.

Introduction: RefWorks

Miner Library, in partnership with the UR River Campus Libraries and Information Technology Services, provides a University-wide subscription to RefWorks. 

Because RefWorks is web-based, it has unique features:

  • Each user creates an individual RefWorks account/personal database to protect data integrity.
  • You can access your personal database from any computer connected to the Internet either on campus or off-site.
  • RefWorks is available at no charge for all UR users. You do not need to purchase any software.
  • RefWorks is never out of date. Upgrades are automatic, so you always have access to the most recent version.
  • RefWorks is compatible with both PCs and Macs.
  • The RefShare module allows you to share references with both UR and non-UR collaborators.

 Request permission for the RCM add-on here

You need to add RefWorks RCM to Microsoft Word. Please view the "Writing with RefWorks" video for more information.

RefWorks User Guide