Authors can waive the APCs for OA articles, our agreement covers all accepted manuscripts with a UR-affiliated corresponding author.
ACS was founded in 1876 and now has over 150,000 members in 150 countries. The society offers over 60 chemistry related journals.
Author Instructions
How to Publish Open Access Under a Read + Publish Agreement
As a corresponding author eligible for sponsored open access under a Read + Publish Agreement, during submission, you need to:
Once your article is accepted you will need to go through the Journal Publish Agreement process to publish open access under a Read + Publish Agreement. Please watch the Journal Publishing Agreement demo videos to find out more information on the process.
UR libraries has limited "tokens" to pay APCs for OA articles (37 tokens for 2022).
Authors can choose from two types of licenses: CC-BY (default) and CC-BY-NC-ND (by request) when signing the Journal Publishing Agreement.
Period: Since 01/01/2022; renewed unitl12/31/2025 [manuscript acceptance date]