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Edward G. Miner Library

Urology: Video Resources

Video Resources

  • MedEdPortal –  this resources from the AAMC and requires an account.
  • – this included videos from OrLive, which are also on consumer websites. It says they have 218 videos under the topic of Urology! 
  • TRIP Database – this is a great resource for evidence based medicine information.  After you enter your search terms in the search box and get a result, you will notice a link to videos towards the top of the page.  We thought these were of interest:
  • New England Journal of Medicine browseable collection, though small, if videos under Clinical Medicine. 
  • ICPME -  This is a radiology organization that has interesting videos on the prostate under their course library
  • MERLOT – Multimedia Educational Resource for learning and Online Teaching.  The health sciences portal has all kinds of learning modules, not just video.  We didn’t try this together, but you could take a look.  This is a link to the MERLOT Health Sciences site. You can use the left sidebar to drill down to more specific topics.  You can also search the site.
  • HEAL National Digital Library  - a collection of over 22,000 digital materials freely available for medical education. 
  • ClinicalKey  - Seach Procedural videos for videos to guide procedure best-practice, or Multrimedia for Image and video collection organized by specialty.