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Edward G. Miner Library

Graduate Student Guide: Data Management & Sharing (DMS)

Information and tools for URMC Ph.D. and Master's students

General Information

Investigators of ALL NIH-funded research, i.e., (grants of any size that produce scientific data) are required to:

  • Submit a Data Management and Sharing plan outlining how scientific data and any accompanying metadata will be managed and shared.

The following 6 requirements in the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy are effective January 25, 2023 for all new grant proposals:

  1. Data type

  2. Related tools, software and code

  3. Standards for data and metadata

  4. Data preservation, access, and associated timelines

  5. Access, distribution, or reuse considerations

  6. Oversight of data management and sharing

For more information on what to include, please refer to the outline 👉


The National Security Presidential Memorandum (NSPM-33) directs Federal agencies conducting research and/or awarding research funds to establish policies for researchers’ disclosure of information during funding application and reporting workflows, e.g., information about past and current affiliations/employment, funding support, and positions.

ORCID is currently the only Persistent Identifier (PID) for individuals that meets the requirements stipulated in the NSPM-33 guidance. 

Institutions can support researchers by ensuring that researchers know what ORCID is, have their ORCID iDs with information populated in their ORCID records, and understand how using ORCID can benefit them.

Use the River Campus Libraries' Guide on ORCID to ensure you have automatic updates on your scholarship activity and to learn more about ORCID. 

NIH Data Management & Sharing Portal

Key Data Management & Sharing Plan Elements

  • What data will be shared?
  • Who will have access to the data?
  • When will the data be shared?
  • Where will the data to be shared be located?
  • How will researchers locate and access the data?
  • How will compliance with the NIH DMSP be monitored?

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Schedule a DMS consultation to learn more.

Data Management & Sharing Plan Outline

The information below has been modified for length from the Final NIH DMS Policy. Pro tip: Keep track of plan elements that can be included in the grant budget as well as check for other data policies.

Section 1: Data Type: Briefly describe the data
  • Summarize types (i.e. fMRI images) and amount (i.e. from 20 participants)
    • Data modality (e.g., imaging, genomic, mobile, survey), level of aggregation (e.g., individual, aggregated, summarized), and/or the degree of data processing
  • Describe what data will be preserved, shared, and the reasoning. Researchers are not expected to preserve and share all their data. Researchers should decide what data to keep and share based on ethical, legal, and technical factors.
  • A brief listing of the metadata, other relevant data, and any associated documentation (e.g., study protocols and data collection instruments) that will be made accessible to facilitate interpretation of the scientific data.
Section 2: Related Tools, Software and/or Code: Describe any specialized tools used to access or analyze data for replication or reuse (include name and how to access)
  •   State whether or not specialized tools are needed.
  •   For each tool that is necessary, list:
    •   Version number and operating system,
    •   How they can be accessed (i.e., open source and freely available, generally available for a fee in the marketplace, or available only from the research team or some other source),
    •   How long they will be available (if known).
Section 3: Standards for Data and Metadata: Describe what standards, if any, will be applied to the data and metadata (i.e. data formats, data dictionaries, data identifiers, definitions, unique identifiers, and other data documentation)
Typical data standards include:
Section 4: Data Preservation, Access, and Timelines: Provide plans and timelines for data preservation and access, including:
  • The name of the repository(ies) where scientific data and metadata will be archived. See Selecting a Data Repository for more information from the NIH. 
  • Explain how the scientific data will be findable and identifiable, include a persistent unique identifier or other indexing tools.
  • Discuss when the scientific data will be made available to other users and for how long. Specify if there are any differences in timelines for different subsets of data.
    • The NIH encourages scientific data to be shared as soon as possible. The data should be shared no later than the time of  publication or end of the performance period, whichever comes first. NIH also encourages researchers to make data available for as long as they anticipate it being useful for the larger research community, institutions, and/or the broader public.
Section 5: Access, Distribution, or Reuse Considerations: Describe any factors affecting access, distribution, or reuse of data related to:
  • Consider whether data can be shared with access controls or, if there are intellectual property concerns, an embargo period, rather than refraining from sharing altogether
  • If you have human subjects data, describe how you will protect the privacy, rights, and confidentiality of study participants (de-identification, etc.).
  • Describe any ethical, legal, and technical considerations that may affect the extent of data sharing.
Section 6: Oversight of Data Management and Sharing: Indicate how compliance with the DMS plan will be monitored and managed.
  • List names and titles/roles of everyone who will be responsible for monitoring compliance with the data management plan and updating it as needed.
  • State how often compliance with the data management plan will be verified (e.g. every ___ months, on the first of each month, etc.).