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Edward G. Miner Library

Graduate Student Guide: Funding Agency Requirements

Information and tools for URMC Ph.D. and Master's students

Federally funded research requirements by Agency

Federally funded research requirements by Agency 






American Heart Association

PubMed Central (PMC) Within 12 months of publication Submit to one of the AHA approved subject repositories Within 12 months of end of funding period Yes, see Sample Data Plans
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality PubMed Central (PMC) Upon acceptance

Commercial repository, TBD.

At time of article acceptance Yes, see Digital Data section
Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response PubMed Central (PMC) Upon acceptance A recognized scientific data repository; submit metadata to ASPR for deposit in registry At time of article acceptance or 30 months, whichever is sooner


Centers for Disease Control CDC Stacks and PubMed Central (PMC) using NIHMS submission system Upon acceptance

Multiple repository options

Within 30 months of collection Yes
Dept. of Defense

Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)

Upon acceptance

DTIC centralized data catalog

At time of article publication Yes, see Section 3.2
Dept. of Energy

Public Access Gateway for Energy and Science (PAGES)

Upon acceptance Publicly accessible repositories that meet requirements At time of article publication Yes, see DMP Suggested Elements
Dept. of Transportation

DOT National Transportation Library

Upon Acceptance

Publicly accessible repositories that meet requirements

At time of article publication

Yes, see Section 7.4.2
Institute of Education Sciences ERIC for post-publication Upon Acceptance Data must be available for at least 10 years - researcher repository choice At time of article publication Yes, see DMP Requirement and Responsibility
Food & Drug Administration PubMed Central (PMC) using NIHMS submission system Upon Acceptance Disciplinary data repository  

At time of article publication

Yes, see DMP Requirements
National Aeronautics & Space Administration NASA-branded PMC portal, PubSpace Upon Acceptance PubSpace, PMC portal alongside article, NASA archives, or disciplinary data repository

At time of article publication or within reasonable time after publication

Yes, see Data Management Plans
National Institute of Health, see also NIH Data Sharing Policies PubMed Central (PMC) Upon Acceptance

NIH Data Sharing Repositories; or any widely used or institutional repository.

At time of article publication

Data management plan required for all grants (starting 2023) New

National Institute of Standards & Technology

PubMed Central (PMC)

Upon Acceptance

Enterprise Data Inventory (EDI) dataset registry and Common Access Platform through

At time of article publication

Yes, see Guidance for Review of DMPs
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

NOAA Institutional Repository using CDC Stacks

Upon Acceptance

Long term - NOAA National Data Centers; multiple short term solutions.

At time of article publication or within 2 years of data collection

Yes, see Data Management Planning 
National Science Foundation

Public Access Policy

Upon Acceptance An appropriate disciplinary repository of your choosing, public access through "Within a reasonable timeframe" Yes, see Plans for data management and sharing, also refer to specific NSF Directorates
Smithsonian Institution

Smithsonian Research Online (SRO) or CHORUS

Within 12 months of publication or negotiated period SRO or approved community-supported or discipline-specific repository, or via CHORUS  

At time of article publication or negotiated period

Yes, see Data Management Policy
U.S. Agency for International Development Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) N/A

Development Data Library (DDL) or a publicly accessible research database, with links to 

In accordance with the provisions of the award; upon completion of their data analysis N/A

U.S. Dept. of Agriculture



U.S. Dept of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture


USDA public access archive system (PubAg Upon article acceptance

USDA registry of datasetsAg Data Commons


Recommend using platforms etc. such as Ag Data Commons



Yes, part of Phase 2 (not implemented yet) Requirements


Yes, see Data Management Plan guidance


U.S. Geological Survey

Information Product Data System (IPDS)  & USGS Publications Warehouse

At time of publication

Following data verification and approval Yes, see DMP Requirements
Veteran’s Administration PubMed Central (PMC) Upon article acceptance Partnering with HHS, NIH, FDA, and DoD; public access solution to data TBD -- Yes, DMP requirements