Welcome to the Graduate Student guide for information resources at Miner Library. This guide contains information about helpful tools, resources, tips for searching the literature, links to ebooks, and more. Miner library has a wide variety of information sources to help you succeed during your time here at the University of Rochester.
You can contact the librarians here at Miner by email or book an appointment.
Library services Offered to students
Monthly: The Center for Integrated Research Computing (CIRC) hosts a seminar series, the CIRC Symposia, featuring two speakers using high-performance computing to facilitate their research. A short talk given by a student or post-doc precedes a brief lunch break, followed by an hour long seminar given by a senior scientist from one of the many fields using computational and big data approaches. Please contact circ@rochester.edu CIRC for more information or to join the e-mail listserv and receive notifications of upcoming sessions.