Getting Started with Endnote
EndNote is a software program (with a supplemental web-based version) that users must install on their computers. UR River Campus Libraries provides a site license that allows University of Rochester employees (including faculty) and students to download this software on work or personal computers at no charge. Your UR affiliation entitles you to download EndNote on as many computers as you wish - your office, your laptop, etc. - for easy access to your work. Both Mac and Windows versions are available. UR Active Directory credentials are required to download the software. Users who are not employees of the University can purchase this software at the UR Tech Store.
Tip: Always save your EndNote library to your local hard drive. It WILL become corrupt (unusable) over time if you save it to a flash drive, the cloud, or a network drive.
If you're asked for a product key:
The first time you open EndNote, you will be prompted to create a new library. Most users will only need one library.
Adding PDFs to Endnote References
There are two ways you can attached PDFs to your Endnote references. Either manually adding the PDF or using the 'Find Full Text' option.
Manually Attach PDFs
This method is best when you already have the PDF saved to your computer or the reference does not have a DOI. You will have at attach the PDFs one at a time.
Find Full Text
This method will search through the full text PDFs available through the University of Rochester holdings. Endnote then attaches the PDF to the corresponding reference. This can happen in bulk or one at a time depending on your preference. This will only work if you are connected to the internet and the PDF you are trying to attach has an associated DOI (Digital Object Identifier). If the PDF does not have a DOI, you would need to manually add it to the Endnote reference.
Go to the "Find Full Text" option here, and check the resources you want to use
OpenURL: endnote.urmc.edu
Getting Started with Endnote
EndNote is a software program (with a supplemental web-based version) that users must install on their computers. UR River Campus Libraries provides a site license that allows University of Rochester employees (including faculty) and students to download this software on work or personal computers at no charge. Your UR affiliation entitles you to download EndNote on as many computers as you wish - your office, your laptop, etc. - for easy access to your work. Both Mac and Windows versions are available. UR Active Directory credentials are required to download the software. Users who are not employees of the University can purchase this software at the UR Tech Store.
Tip: Always save your EndNote library to your local hard drive. It WILL become corrupt (unusable) over time if you save it to a flash drive, the cloud, or a network drive.
If you're asked for a product key:
The first time you open EndNote, you will be prompted to create a new library. Most users will only need one library.
Adding PDFs to Endnote References
There are two ways you can attached PDFs to your Endnote references. Either manually adding the PDF or using the 'Find Full Text' option.
Manually Attach PDFs
This method is best when you already have the PDF saved to your computer or the reference does not have a DOI. You will have at attach the PDFs one at a time.
Find Full Text
This method will search through the full text PDFs available through the University of Rochester holdings. Endnote then attaches the PDF to the corresponding reference. This can happen in bulk or one at a time depending on your preference. This will only work if you are connected to the internet and the PDF you are trying to attach has an associated DOI (Digital Object Identifier). If the PDF does not have a DOI, you would need to manually add it to the Endnote reference.
Go to the "Find Full Text" option here, and check the resources you want to use
OpenURL: endnote.urmc.edu