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Edward G. Miner Library

Evidence-Based Practice: Acquire the Evidence

Information about and resources for Evidence-Based Practice


Evidence Pyramid

 Click the image to enlarge it.

Filtered Resources

Pyramid Divisions

Divisions Defined:

STUDIES: Original journal articles reporting information about clinical trials, etc.

SYNTHESES:  Draw upon studies and combine them - the most familiar format being the systematic review.

SYNOPSES:  Evidenced-based abstracts of journal articles.

SUMMARIES:  Integrate the information from the lower levels of the pyramid and in so doing, the summaries address several aspects of a given condition.

SYSTEMS:  Highly advanced medical record systems "in which a patient's characteristics are automatically linked to the current best evidence that matches the patient's specific circumstances" and provides caregivers notification of key aspects of management - decision support systems.  These systems are not available today.

Meta-Search Tool

Trip: Turning Research into Practice - a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care.  This one-stop resource searches across multiple internet sites for evidence-based content including medical journals, Cochrane Systematic reviews, clinical guidelines, etc.


Article Databases