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Edward G. Miner Library

DiscoverUR: Filters & Refinements

Information about using the new library discovery tool

Refine your results



Refine your Results

Refine your Results

Add results beyond your library's collection

  • This will expand your search results to look outside of what the library has available
  • This will include results that you would need to request through Interlibrary Loan. 

Sort by

  • Select how you want to view your results
    • Relevance
    • Publication date
    • Title
    • Author


  • Limit to materials available online 
  • Limit to Scholarly & Peer-Review.
  • Limit to Open Access items.
  • Limit your search to items in the Library Catalog 

Content Type

  • Limit what types of materials you are viewing.
  • Click on Show More... to see additional formats.


  •  Limit your results by Library Location.

Publication Date

  • Limit your results based on the Publication Date.


  • Limit your results to one or more Subjects.

Remember Filters

When performing many similar types of searches, you may want to retain your filters for subsequent searches within a search session.

To make a facet persistent, hover the cursor over the facet in the Active filters section and then click the facet's padlock PadlockIcon.png. To make all active filters persistent, select Remember all filters.

To remove a facet's persistence, click the facet's padlock LockedPadlockedIcon.png or delete the facet.