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Edward G. Miner Library

Nursing Research Guide: Quick Access

Use this page to find resources to assist with nursing and evidence-based practice research projects.

Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID allows users to input a DOI or PMID and connect to the full text of articles available through the UR Libraries. If the article is unavailable in the library's collection you will have the option to submit an Interlibrary Loan request.


The first time you use, (or after you clear your browser's cache) you may need to select University of Rochester as your organization.


Once you have searched for a DOI or PMID, you will be brought to the LibKey landing page.

Where to find Evidence?

Here are just a few examples of library resources that you can use, many of them at point-of-care with patients. This is by no means a complete list of what's available, but it should get you started.

  • TRIP-Pro (Turning Research Into Practice):
    • TRIP is a clinical search engine that brings together the key evidence-based healthcare resources available on the Internet. Eight major categories are searched by TRIP: Evidence based, guidelines, general peer-reviewed journals, query-answering services, specialist peer-reviewed journals, e-textbooks, medical images and patient information leaflets.
  • CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature)
    • This database includes over 1000 top-tier journals in biomedicine, with emphasis on nursing and allied health professions. The default search setting enables you to quickly find CINAHL Subject Headings to help you retrieve relevant information quickly.
  • ClnicalKey Nursing
    • ClinicalKey for Nursing is a clinical reference platform that includes content from evidence-based nursing monographs, books, journals, practice guidelines, and core measures with nursing recommendations. This resources provides information to support nursing care in areas such as administering medication, managing nurse policy, monitoring for complications, and providing patient education.

Evidence-Based Practice Librarian at URMC

Profile Photo
Lorraine Porcello
Edward G. Miner Library
(585) 276-3475